“ Born of the passion to weave stories, to appreciate artistry and to curate unique design, Republic of Mode serves as a premium destination for luxury fashion and lifestyle products. Every product narrates a tale beginning from the maker's inspiration to it's journey into our store; creating a dialogue beyond consumerism and imbibing what our Republic is about. A destination for conversation, aspiration and endless wonder. ”

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Indigo Daydreams

Indigo Daydreams

Sasha has a heart of gold. When she thought she lost her fire, she made sure to go looking for it by making herself do one thing each day that she had never dared to do before. Speaking to one person on the street, learning to cook a new dish, dancing to a song by herself… Sasha is a dreamer like us. Entranced by the sound of the ocean, bewitched by regal flowing silhouettes, she is our very first muse...

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Our Story

Our Story

Along the sunny western coast of India is the state of Goa. Amongst endless green fields and glorious clear waves resides our Republic. This is the first of many stories we hope to narrate to you. It marks our beginning on this journey towards building our dreams. The dreams may be ours, but we also hope to collect fellow dreamers along the way. Together, let’s dream...

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